Face Reality

Face Reality Skincare is an award-winning acne treatment program dedicated to giving you clear, healthy skin that helps you feel your absolute best.

See Visible Results in 90 Days

Face Reality is a cutting-edge Acne Bootcamp Program, Virtually or In-Studio designed to effectively treat and manage acne through a personalized approach. At Aging Gracefully Skin Experts, we utilize Face Reality’s comprehensive system, which includes professional-grade products and tailored treatment plans, to address the unique needs of each client’s skin. Our certified acne specialists work closely with you to identify the underlying causes of your acne and develop a customized regimen that promotes clear, healthy skin. With a combination of in-office treatments and home care routines, Face Reality provides visible, lasting results, helping you achieve the clear complexion you’ve always desired.


Face Reality FAQs

What is Face Reality?

Face Reality is a specialized skincare program that focuses on effectively treating and managing acne through a personalized approach using professional-grade products and customized treatment plans.

How does the Face Reality Acne Bootcamp program work?

The program begins with an in-depth consultation to assess your skin type and acne condition. Our certified acne specialists then create a personalized treatment plan, combining in-office treatments with a tailored home care regimen to address the root causes of your acne and promote clear, healthy skin.

Who can benefit from Face Reality?

Face Reality is suitable for anyone struggling with acne, regardless of age, skin type, or severity of the condition. It is designed to help those who have not found success with other acne treatments.

How long does it take to see results with Face Reality?

While results can vary depending on the individual, many clients begin to see improvements within the first few weeks of starting the program. Consistent adherence to the recommended treatment plan is crucial for achieving optimal results.

Is Face Reality safe for sensitive skin?

Yes, Face Reality products and treatments are formulated to be gentle and effective for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Our specialists will customize your regimen to ensure it addresses your specific skin concerns without causing irritation.

Do I need to continue Face Reality products after my acne clears up?

To maintain clear skin, it is often recommended to continue using certain Face Reality products as part of your ongoing skincare routine. Your specialist will provide guidance on how to transition to a maintenance regimen once your acne is under control.

Can Face Reality help with acne scars?

Yes, Face Reality includes treatments and products that can help improve the appearance of acne scars over time. Your specialist will assess your skin and recommend the best approach for addressing scarring as part of your overall treatment plan.

How long is the Face Reality Acne Bootcamp?

The Acne Bootcamp Program is a 3-6 month treatment plan with required bi-weekly visits for the first 6-8 weeks and then you could be graduated to monthly visits depending on acne type/severity.

The bi-weekly and monthly appointments are crucial to your success within the program as we will adjust your home care routine and monitor your progress.

How much does the Face Reality program cost?

The cost of the Face Reality program can vary based on the specific treatments and products recommended for your skin. During your initial consultation, we will provide a detailed overview of the expected costs and what is included in your personalized plan.

Is Face Reality covered by insurance?

Traditional insurance may not cover acne treatments like Face Reality. However, you can use FSA (Flexible Spending Account) or HSA (Health Savings Account) plans to help cover the costs.

How do I get started with Face Reality?

To begin your journey to clear skin with Face Reality, schedule a consultation with Aging Gracefully Skin Experts. Our certified acne specialists will assess your skin and develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

What is the success rate of the Acne Bootcamp Program?

The Acne Bootcamp Program has over a 90% success rate to achieving clear skin for our clients.

This program allows you to regain control over your skin wihtout taking prescription medication that can alter hormones and only rid your acne temporarily.

Acne Bootcamp is designed to clear your skin, ensure long-term clarity, and offer insider knowledge on maintaining results and caring for your skin.

Book your Face Reality Acne Bootcamp Program at Aging Gracefully Skin Experts-Virtually or In-Studio

The Face Reality Acne Bootcamp program is a comprehensive and transformative acne treatment system designed to deliver clear, healthy skin. At Aging Gracefully Skin Experts, we follow this structured program to provide customized care for each client, starting with an in-depth skin assessment to identify the underlying causes of acne. The program combines the use of professional-grade products with a personalized treatment plan that includes regular in-office treatments and a dedicated home care regimen. With continuous monitoring and adjustments by our certified acne specialists, the Face Reality program effectively targets acne at its source, promoting long-term skin health and helping clients achieve a radiant, blemish-free complexion.